I've been having to use RealDWG for my part time programming work at Onset to programmatically read DWG files (AutoCAD drawing files). I've been finding RealDWG a pain to learn, as AutoDesk's documentation seems to assume you're an in-house AutoCAD programmer, so they blast you with all these low level file access details like BlockTables and SymbolTables. However, this isn't surprising, since I believe AutoDesk eat their own dog food and use the same API internally. That doesn't make it any easier to learn and use, though.

RealDWG (or ObjectARX, which is the underlying API that is wrapped with .NET wrapper classes) reads a DWG file into an internal "database". Everything is basically an ObjectId, which is a short stub object that you give to a Transaction object that will get you the actual real object. Objects are nested inside objects, which are nested inside more objects, and none of it typesafe, as Transaction returns objects as their top level DBObject class. So you're constantly casting to the actual concrete type you want. Casting all over the place == bad.

Anyway, I found that navigating around a RealDWG object graph was a pain. For example, to find BlockTableRecords (which are inside a BlockTable) that contain AttributeDefinitions (don't worry about what those are; it's not important) you need to do something like this:

BlockTable blockTable = (BlockTable)transaction.GetObject(db.BlockTableId, OpenMode.ForRead);
foreach (ObjectId objectId in blockTable)
    DBObject dbObject = transaction.GetObject(objectId, OpenMode.ForRead);

    BlockTableRecord record = (BlockTableRecord)dbObject;
    if (record.HasAttributeDefinitions == false)

    //Do what you need to here...

That's really verbose and messy, with a lot of code just dedicated to opening objects and casting them, and filtering. It was annoying me, so I refactored it and wrote the following sexy method that uses generics with delegates to clean that right up:

private IEnumerable<T> Filter<T>(Predicate<T> predicate, IEnumerable realDwgEnumerable, Transaction transaction) 
    where T : class
    foreach (ObjectId obj in realDwgEnumerable)
        DBObject dbObject = transaction.GetObject(obj, OpenMode.ForRead);

        T genericObj = dbObject as T;
        if (genericObj == null)

        if (predicate != null && predicate(genericObj) == false)

        yield return genericObj;

The method is generic and takes an IEnumerable (which is the non-generic interface that all the RealDWG stuff that you can iterate over implements) and a Transaction (to open objects from ObjectId stubs with). Additionally, it takes a Predicate<T> that allows you to specify a condition on which concrete objects are included in the final set. It returns an IEnumerable of the generic type T.

What the method will do is iterate over the IEnumerable and pull out all the objects that match the generic type that you define when you call the method. Additionally, it will return only those objects that match your predicate. The method uses the yield return keywords to lazy return results as the returned IEnumerable is iterated over.

Here's the above messy example all sexed up by using this method:

BlockTable blockTable = (BlockTable)transaction.GetObject(db.BlockTableId, OpenMode.ForRead);

IEnumerable<BlockTableRecord> blockTableRecords = Filter<BlockTableRecord>(btr => btr.HasAttributeDefinitions, blockTable, transaction);

foreach (BlockTableRecord blockTableRecord in blockTableRecords)
    //Do what you need to here...

Just like using LINQ, the above snippet (which looks longer than it really is thanks to wrapping) simply declares that it wants all BlockTableRecords in the BlockTable that have attribute definitions (using a lambda expression). It's much neater, if only because it shifts the filtering code out of the way into the Filter method, so that it doesn't clutter up what I'm trying to do. It also makes the foreach type-safe, because now we're iterating over an IEnumerable<T> rather than a non-generic IEnumerable. Worst case: the IEnumerable<T> is empty. No InvalidCastExceptions here.

Another place where this method is awesome is when you've got lots of different typed objects getting returned as you iterate over the RealDWG IEnumerable object, which happens a lot. Using this method you can very simply get the type of object you're looking for by doing this:

IEnumerable<TypeIWant> objectsIWant = Filter<TypeIWant>(null, blockTableRecord, transaction);

Optimally you use the overload that doesn't include the Predicate<T> as a parameter, instead of passing null as the predicate (the overload passes null for you). I didn't show that here, but it's in my code.

Wrapping up, this again confirms how much I love C# 3.0 (and soon 4.0!). All the new language features let you do some simply awesome things that you just can't do in aging languages like Java (Java doesn't even have delegates, let alone lambda expressions!).