Programming to an interface and not an implementation is one of the big object-oriented design principles. So, when working with a web service client auto-generated by WCF, you will want to program to the service interface rather than the client class. However, as it currently stands this is made a little awkward.

Why? Because the WCF service client class is IDisposable and therefore needs to be explicitly disposed after you've finished using it. The easiest way to do this in C# is to use a using block. A using block takes an IDisposable, and when the block is exited, either by exiting the block normally, or if you quit it early by throwing an exception or something similar, it will automatically call Dispose() on your IDisposable.

The problem lies in the fact that, although the WCF service client implements IDisposable, the service interface does not. This means you either have to cast to the concrete client type and call Dispose() or you have to manually check to see whether the service-interfaced object you posses is IDisposable and if it is then Dispose() it. That is obviously a clunky and error-prone way of doing it.

Here's the way I solved the problem. It's not totally pretty, but it's a lot better than doing the above hacks. Firstly, because you are programming to an abstract interface, you need to have a factory class that creates your concrete objects. This factory returns the concrete client object wrapped in a DisposableWrapper. DisposableWrapper is a generic class I created that aids in abstracting away whether or not the concrete class is IDisposable or not. Here's the code:

public class DisposableWrapper<T> : IDisposable
    private readonly T _Object;

    public DisposableWrapper(T objectToWrap)
        _Object = objectToWrap;

    public T Object
        get { return _Object; }

    public void Dispose()
        IDisposable disposable = _Object as IDisposable;
        if (disposable != null)

The service client factory method that creates the service looks like this:

public static DisposableWrapper<IAuthAndAuthService> CreateAuthAndAuthService()
    return new DisposableWrapper<IAuthAndAuthService>(new AuthAndAuthServiceClient());

Then, when you use the factory method, you do this:

using (DisposableWrapper<IAuthAndAuthService> clientWrapper = ServiceClientFactory.CreateAuthAndAuthService())
    IAuthAndAuthService client = clientWrapper.Object;

    //Do your work with the client here

As you can see, the factory method returns the concrete service client wrapper in a DisposableWrapper, but exposed as the interface because it the interface type as the generic type for DisposableWrapper. You call the factory method and use its resulting DisposableWrapper inside your using block. The DisposableWrapper ensures that the object it wraps, if it is indeed IDisposable, is disposed when it itself is disposed by the using block. You can get the client object out of the wrapper, but as the service interface type and not the concrete type, which ensures you are programming to the interface and not the implementation.

All in all, it's a fairly neat way to program against a service interface, while still retaining the ability to Dispose() the service client object.