Updated on 2009/09/26

I've had some unexpected behaviour with change tracking and compiled queries while using .NET 3.5 SP1's Entity Framework. It's something that you likely won't notice and the resultant bug acts like a race condition: it only exhibits itself when things are executed in a particular order. Unfortunately, the Entity Framework documentation doesn't seem to make this behaviour clear in its documentation, which leaves you scratching your head when it actually occurs.

ObjectQuery.MergeOption allows you to control how the Entity Framework handles objects with respect to change tracking. I tend to set it to MergeOption.NoTracking when I want all objects created from a particular LINQ query returned pre-detached from the ObjectContext (very useful in web apps). However, when you want to query some objects, change their details and save the changes back to the DB, you will use MergeOption.AppendOnly, which is the default. This causes the ObjectContext to "remember" your objects and track the changes you make to them so it knows what it needs to save back to the DB when you go SaveChanges() on the ObjectContext.

Let me paint you a scenario. Maybe you use compiled queries to make your Entity Framework code quick as a fox. Maybe you use them to do something simple like get a Product from a database by its ID:

public static readonly Func<AdvWorksEntities, int, Product>
        GetProduct = CompiledQuery.Compile(
            (AdvWorksEntities context, int id) =>
                (from product in context.Product
                 where product.ProductID == id
                 select product).FirstOrDefault());

Maybe you have two methods that call that compiled query (these are rather contrived examples):

public Product GetProductById(int id)
    using (AdvWorksEntities context = new AdvWorksEntities())
        context.Product.MergeOption = MergeOption.NoTracking;
        return CompiledQueries.GetProduct(context, id);

public void ChangeProductName(int id, string newName)
    using (AdvWorksEntities context = new AdvWorksEntities())
        Product product = CompiledQueries.GetProduct(context, id);
        product.Name = newName;

Nothing looks immediately wrong with that code (well, it didn't to me anyway).

Maybe you've got a user who opens the View Product page. The GetProductById method is called and the GetProduct compiled query is compiled and run. The user then decided the product has a crappy name, and he/she wants to change it. They change the name, and ChangeProductName gets called. The user then sees that the product name has, in fact, not been changed and gets pissed off.

What went wrong? You, the brow-beaten developer, open Visual Studio, start the app, and call ChangeProductName, which causes the GetProduct compiled query to be compiled and run. It works okay, the name is changed succesfully, and you're left scratching your head. You call it again, and it works again! What the hell is going on?

You restart the app and step through exactly what the user did. You call the GetProductById method, then call ChangeProductName. Bam, silent failure! SaveChanges returns successfully but your changes were not saved to the DB! The query is the same, but it's like somehow the MergeOption.NoTracking is coming over from the call to GetProductId. But this doesn't make sense since you're using a whole new ObjectContext! At this point you're cursing Entity Framework and looking at the documentation, which says nothing (to be fair, when you look into the details like I did, it makes sense. But it's just unintuitive and odd, and really needs to be highlighted in the documentation explicitly).

When this situation happened to me, I created a small test app to try and figure out why this was occurring. Here's what I found. The very first use of the GetProduct query causes it to get compiled. The query itself uses the ObjectQuery (which is IQueryable) that you set the MergeOption on. The expression tree for this query is saved and used for every query from then on. And here's the key: the saved expression tree includes the MergeOption that you set. So if you use MergeOption.NoTracking on the very first call to that compiled query, every query done with that compiled query from then on will be a NoTracking query, since the MergeOption is baked into it. It doesn't matter than you pass the compiled query a different ObjectContext with a different ObjectQuery that has a different MergeOption set. It will forevermore be NoTracking.

So what can you do? At this point, it seems that you will need different compiled queries for the different MergeOptions. If you use GetProduct with NoTracking and with AppendOnly, you will now need GetProductWithNoTracking and GetProductWithAppendOnly.

So watch out for this issue; it's really easy to run into because the query's MergeOption is set outside of the compiled query's declaration, therefore it's not obvious that it is actually baked into the compiled query. And it's a pain to discover, because it doesn't crop up unless you execute your methods in a particular order.

Update: I've developed a solution that makes this problem easier to deal with: a class that transparently duplicates a compiled query, allowing you to easily have multiple versions of a compiled query, one per MergeOption. The solution is currently in the DigitallyCreated Utilities repository and the tutorial for it can be found here.