Only showing posts tagged with "PInvoke"
November 01, 2008 2:00 PM by Daniel Chambers
I've always had a problem when I've left my computer on at night. My screens, the two 24" beasts that they are, light up my room like its 12 o'clock midday. It makes it rather difficult to get to sleep. My solution, in the past, was to temporarily change my Windows power configuration so that my monitor would sleep itself after one minute of inactivity. A clunky and annoying solution, to be sure.
This weekend, I'd had enough. I searched around on the net for a program that would allow me to sleep my displays immediately, without the need for dicking around in power configuration settings.
Sure enough, this bloke has a program that'll do just that. However, he expects to be paid twenty whole dollars for it. I choked when I saw that; turning off your screens cannot be so hard as to require a 20 dollar (US dollars as well!) payment for it. So I did some more searching. Sure enough, its quite literally one method call to send your displays to sleep.
So I whipped up a program to do it: Sleep Display. I won't repeat here what I've already written on its webpage, so pop on over there to read up on it.
For those interested, here is how you sleep your monitors in C# (note this is not actually a class from Sleep Display, I've cut out loads of code to just get it down to the bare essentials):
using System; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Threading; using System.Windows.Forms; namespace DigitallyCreated.SleepDisplay { public class Sleeper { //From WinUser.h private const int WM_SYSCOMMAND = 0x0112; private const int SC_MONITORPOWER = 0xF170; //Not from WinUser.h (from MSDN doco about //SC_MONITORPOWER) private const int SC_MONITORPOWER_SHUTOFF = 2; public void SleepDisplay() { Form form = new Form(); DefWindowProcA((int)form.Handle, WM_SYSCOMMAND, SC_MONITORPOWER, SC_MONITORPOWER_SHUTOFF); } [DllImport("user32", EntryPoint = "DefWindowProc")] public static extern int DefWindowProcA(int hwnd, int wMsg, int wParam, int lParam); } }
Basically, all you're doing is sending a Windows message to the default window message handler by calling a Win32 API. The message simply tells Windows to sleep the monitor. Note the use of DllImport and public static extern. This is basically where you map a call to a native (probably C or C++) function into C#. C# will handle the loading of the DLL and the marshalling and the actual calling of the function for you. It's pretty nice.
The Form is needed because DefWindowProc requires a handle to a window and the easiest way I knew how to get one of those was to simply create a Form and get its Handle. DefWindowProc has its doco on MSDN here and the doco for the types of WM_SYSCOMMAND message you can send is here.
As you can see, the process is not rocket-science, nor is it worth 20 whole bucks. In fact, the installer I created was more of a pain than the app itself. I decided to try and use Windows Installer instead of NSIS. I used Windows Installer XML (WiX) which seems to be an open-source project from Microsoft that allows you to create Windows Installer packages and UIs by writing XML. It's also got a plugin for Visual Studio.
WiX is... alright. It's a real bitch to work with, simply because I'm nowhere near a Windows Installer pro so I don't really understand what's going on. Windows Installer is massive and I only scratched the surface of it when doing the installer for Sleep Display. The problem with WiX, really, is that it has a massive learning curve. If you're interested in learning more about WiX, I suggest you grab v3.0 (Beta) and install it, then go check out the (huge) tutorial they've got here. Then prepare to go to bed at 6.30AM after hours of pain like I did. :)