Anonymous delegates (or, if you're using C# 3.0, lambda expressions) seem fairly simple at first sight. It's just a class-less method that you can pass around and call at will. However, there are some intricacies that aren’t apparent unless you look deeper. In particular, what happens if you use a variable from outside the anonymous delegate inside the delegate? What happens when that variable goes out of scope (say it’s a local variable and the method that contained it returned)?

I’ll run through some small examples that will explain something called “variable capture” and how it relates to anonymous delegates (and therefore, lambda expressions).

The code below for loops and adds a new lambda that returns the index variable from the for loop. After the loop has concluded, all the lambdas created are run and their results written to the console. FYI, Func<TResult> is a .NET built-in delegate that takes no parameters and returns TResult.

List<Func<int>> funcs = new List<Func<int>>();
for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++)
    funcs.Add(()  => j);
foreach (Func<int> func in funcs)

What will be outputted on the console when this code is run? The answer is ten 10s. Why is this? Because of variable capture. Each lambda has “captured” the variable j, and in essence, extended its scope to outside the for loop. Normally j would be thrown away at the end of the for loop. But because it has been captured, the delegates hold a reference to it. So its final value, after the loop has completed, is 10 and that’s why 10 has been outputted 10 times. (Also, j won’t be garbage collected until the lambda is, since it holds a reference to j.)

In this next example, I’ve added one line of seemingly redundant code, which assigns the j index variable to a temporary variable inside the loop body. The lambda then uses tempJ instead of j. This makes a massive difference to the final output!

List<Func<int>> funcs = new List<Func<int>>();
for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++)
    int tempJ = j;
    funcs.Add(() => tempJ);
foreach (Func<int> func in funcs)

This piece of code outputs 0-9 on the console. So why is this so different to the last example? Whereas j’s scope is over the whole for loop (it is the same variable across all loop iterations), tempJ is a new tempJ for every time the loop is run. This means that when the lambdas capture tempJ, they each capture a different tempJ that contains what j was for that particular iteration of the loop.

In this final example, the lambda is created and evaluated within the for loop (and no longer uses tempJ).

for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++)
    Func<int> func1 = () => j;

This code is similar to the first example; the lambdas capture j whose scope is over the whole for loop. However, unlike the first example, this outputs 0-9 on the console. Why? Because the lambda is executed inside each iteration. So at the point at which each lambda is executed j is 0-9, unlike the first example where the lambdas weren’t executed until j was 10.

In conclusion, using these small examples I’ve shown the implications of variable capture. Variable capture happens when an anonymous delegate uses a variable from the scope outside of itself. This causes the delegate to “capture” the variable (ie hold a reference to it) and therefore the variable will not be garbage collected until the capturer delegate itself is garbage collected.